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Crushftp Professional 7 2

HKPRO Forums Since 2000 A forum community dedicated to Heckler & Koch firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about other firearms, gun ownership, gun care, tactical firearms, small arms, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! CrushFTP is a cross-platform file server packed with powerful capabilities like secure transfer protocols, a modern and intuitive dashboard, plugin support, temporary access to files and folders, reports, automated banning and many others.

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CrushFTP is a cross-platform file server packed with powerful capabilities like secure transfer protocols, a modern and intuitive dashboard, plugin support, temporary access to files and folders, reports, automated banning and many others.
The application lets you work with numerous protocols like FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPD, SFTP, WebDAV, WebDAV SSL and SCP. It provides a polished web interface accessible via any web browser and customizable regarding logos, layout and colors.
Thanks to the thumbnail previews you can see your files at a glance, but you can also use slideshows and quick previews for the same purpose.
CrushFTP’s dashboard includes pie charts and graphs that show the current session, server status, login and speed, process threads, connections, transferred bytes, recent logins and other useful details.
A master password can be defined, plus you can access comprehensive logs and reports, and view active and available tasks. Regarding user management, the app gives you full control over the creation of new users, including the option to generate a random password, as well as set access and define permissions to specific files.
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***improved user manager load times

***added new 'welcome' event to trigger different actions

***increased size of thumbnails in Sharing emails

***bundled ThumbsUp to handle OS X image previews (http://www.devon-technologies.com/)

***faster WebInterface performance

***logs detailed changed being made to server prefs, or users to CrushFTP.log

***inheritance for WebInterface customizations now merges across all layers

***added cleanup of expired accounts in the user manager

Printlab studio 3 0 1 crack. ***added support for controlling who emails are sent To: and From: for Sharing

***added ability to grant limited administration to just the user manager, and only the users in a group

***preserves modified times on uploaded files using advanced mode

https://bestjfile953.weebly.com/spin-and-spell.html. ***added the ability to do exclusion pattern matching for folder monitor

***added support to encrypt VFS URLs in the XML files

***additional modes for AS2 authentication Pdf expert 2 4 4 download free.

***added ability to redirect user at login to another web page

***alerts can now catch bad email addresses

***added list of files a user accessed to the Welcome form report

***reports no longer email out empty reports

***added support for importing BulletProof FTP users

***added support for MySQL and statistics DB

***added additional APIs for WebInterface for external access

***added default slideshow permissions when sharing images

***removed old WebInterface

***cleanup of unused libraries, smaller application size

Bug Fixes:

***fixed bug with export user pass report handling groups

***fixed bug with case sensitivity and using a DB as the back end for users

***fixed bug with some UTF8 chars on the WebInterface


***fixed bug with symlinks that are being downloaded

Wimoweh 1 1 68 full. ***fixed bug with searching in the WebInterface

***fixed bug with SSL and SMTP

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***performance tweaks for SFTP proxy scenario

***fixed bug with tracking upload forms with Advanced upload

***fixed bug with POSIX permissions on OS X

Apple keynote 7 0 download free. ***fixed bug with mass updates in user manager and VFS

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***fixed NLST responses

***fixed bug with getting disk usage in Linux

***fixed bug with SQL mode and non local VFS

***fixed bug where password changes were lost in the user manager

***fixed memory leak in specific scenarios

***fixed bug with SFTP download packet order sequences

***fixed bug with Groups for various reports

***fixed bug with creating too long of paths in Windows

Crushftp Professional 7 20

***fixed bug with cached VFS items being difficult to delete

Crushftp Professional 7 2
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